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Specialized Nutrition

Nourishing life,
every step of the way.

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The health & nutrition market is a large, fast-growing market fueled by macro trends and increasingly health-conscious consumers. Evolving European consumer needs around sustainability, preventative & personalized health, and holistic health & well-being, are driving new growth opportunities for innovation in specialized nutrition categories*.

Nourishing life, every step of the way

From supporting the healthy development of tiny newborn babies through to the healthy aging of loving grandparents, no matter who they are or where they are on their journey, Cargill’s nutrition ingredients nourish life every step of the way.

From new life to longevity

We understand the role of nutrition and the positive impact your products have on keeping our growing population healthy. We are your trusted partner in co-creating nature-inspired, science-proven solutions that make a real difference to people’s health and well-being at every stage in life.

Our solutions are formulated to address consumers’ unique nutritional needs; from maternal health, baby’s first 1000 days, to supporting active lifestyles, healthy aging, and medical nutrition.

*Source: Consumer product preferences, HealthFocus global trend study, 2022 

Early Life Nutrition

Specialized Nutrition - Early life nutrition

Nourishing lives from their earliest moments

The initial 1,000 days, which includes maternal, infant, and toddlerhood phases, are crucial for optimal development.

Nutrition during this early life period not only shapes the immediate physical and cognitive growth but also develops a vital foundation for lifelong health. In short, it’s essential for a healthy start in life. 
For customers who are seeking the safest, highest quality ingredients, our Early Life Nutrition products are designed to provide essential macronutrients, and support healthy growth and development from conception to toddlerhood. 

Our portfolio of ingredients for this life stage includes infant grade oil solutions, probiotics, choline, DHA and ARA, and much more. Nutrition during this early life period not only shapes the immediate physical and cognitive growth but also develops a vital foundation for lifelong health.

We offer ingredients that meet infant-grade standards, ensuring the highest level of safety and contaminant requirements, providing you with nutrition you can trust.

Health benefit platforms
Early life health benefits icons

Active Lifestyle Nutrition

Specialized Nutrition - Active life nutrition

Nourishing healthy active lives throughout adulthood

Where Sports Nutrition was traditionally focused on performance athletes, it grew its appeal to consumers of all ages who entered the category. Those consumers are the ones engaging in recreational activities, and turn to products with the aim of maintaining their health and well-being   pre, during and post activity.

Our goal in this category is to provide essential nutrients to support increased energy demands, rapid recovery, and sustained performances. The exciting growth in Active Lifestyle Nutrition is unlocking many innovation opportunities, from the creation of in-demand plant-based alternatives to the next on-the-go formats. 

For Sports nutrition, Active lifestyle and Healthy aging, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of essential nutrients, such as fibers, proteins, carbs, oils and lipids, as well as health-boosting ingredients, including botanicals and biotics.

Health benefit platforms
active lifestyle health benefits icons

Medical Nutrition

Specialized Nutrition - Medical nutrition

From nourishment to health condition support

Nourishing recovery and quality of life

Patients around the world need nutritional support during treatment, regardless of the severity of malnutrition or the health condition they’re managing. Medical nutrition products are formulated to meet the specific nutritional needs of patients that cannot be met through a normal diet alone. These products focus on providing nourishment and functional health benefits rather than treating the medical condition directly. 

We offer a comprehensive range of essential medical nutrition, that includes plant-based proteins to counter muscle mass loss (such as sarcopenia) and carbohydrates to serve as fuel for energy and muscles. Specifically, our low glycemic index (GI) and slow-release carbohydrates can help maintain healthy blood glucose levels and improve insulin resistance. 
Our plant-based, label-friendly offerings deliver cleaner, more sustainable nutrition, whilst ensuring better taste and texture for patients worldwide.

Health benefit platforms
medical nutrition benefits icons

Dietary supplements




The future of healthy living starts in the gut

The positive effects our microbiome can have on our health, brain, digestion and immune system is becoming ever more evident. Our purpose in Specialized Nutrition is to nourish life, every step of the way, and our experience with ingredients like EpiCor® postbiotic is proof we deliver on our commitment.

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Why we're your go-to partner in specialized nutrition

Specialized Nutrition partner Trusted expertise, backed by science 

Our multidisciplinary, dedicated Specialized Nutrition team works together with you to turn ideas into reality, backed by deep category knowledge and scientific expertise. 

Comprehensive solutions portfolio 

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of Specialized Nutrition solutions, from essential to health promoting specialties, formulated to address consumers’ unique nutrition needs across all life stages.

Insights-led innovation 

We partner with you on your innovation and value creation journey to develop new, health promoting nutritional solutions and accelerate your time to market. 

Reliable supply, sustainability at scale 

Our global supply chain guarantees unparalleled scale, quality and safety from farm to customer, while minimizing supply disruptions. 

Specialized Nutrition brochure

Learn more about our capabilities to help you create the future of Specialized Nutrition!