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Together we overcome difficulties: Cargill's Aquaxcel feed helps customers thrive

In raising shrimps, optimization of costs is always top of mind. To thrive with a profitable business, every penny spent must be worth it and effective. Cargill's customers in Ca Mau, Vietnam, share their experiences in a series entitled “together we overcome difficulties”: implementing smart solutions in their ponds, these passionate entrepreneurs enhanced the profitability of their business. See how Cargill's Aquaxcel feed helped them optimize costs, improve animal health, preserve the quality of the water and much more.

Bringing next-generation flock-management capabilities to poultry producers with new, artificial intelligence (AI) driven service.

Leveraging more than a decade of research on the gut microbiome, Galleon accesses Cargill’s extensive research data to guide flock-management decisions.


From Partnership Comes Prosperity

A Vietnamese farmer partnered with Cargill to improve his farm – and ended up improving his family's well-being.

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